fredag 18 december 2015

Irak-överfallet 2003 - konsekvenser

Utöver nedanstående tillkommer alla flyktingkostnader, som huvudsakligen drabbat Europa, men även andra närområdesländer. Och till nästan ingen del drabbat anstiftaren, världspolis-USA. Landet som fallerat och utgör det största hotet mot fred i världen.

The Numbers
189,000: Direct war deaths, which doesn’t include the hundreds of thousands more that died due to war-related hardships.
4,488: U.S. service personnel killed directly.
32,223: Troops injured (not including PTSD).
134,000: Civilians killed directly.
655,000: Persons who have died in Iraq since the invasion that would not have died if the invasion had not occurred.
150: Reporters killed.
2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country.
$1.7 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department as through Fiscal Year 2013.
$5,000: Amount spent per second.
$350,000: Cost to deploy one American military member.
$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans.
$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 (because the war was paid for with borrowed money).
$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.
$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered “questionable.”
$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction, (which was ruled largely a waste due to corruption and shoddy work.)
$4 billion: Amount owed to the U.S. by Iraq before the invasion.
1.6 million: Gallons of oil used by U.S. forces each day in Iraq (at $127.68 a barrel).
$12 billion: Cost per month of the war by 2008.
$7 billion: Amount owed to Iraq by the U.S. after the war (mostly due to fraud).
$20 billion: Annual air conditioning cost.
Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s.
40 percent: Increase in Iraqi oil production.
$5 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2003.
$85 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2011.
$150 billion: Amount oil companies are expected to invest in oil development over the next decade.
$75 billion: Approximate amount expected to go to American subcontracting companies, largest of all Halliburton.

Other costs can’t be fully tallied. Economists Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes estimated that the Iraq war could end up costing the U.S. as much as $3 trillion — a figure they have since said may be too low. Their calculation, which some have criticized for being too hypothetical, takes into account less tangible costs: resources the U.S. could have spent in Afghanistan without the distraction of a second invasion; the rising price of oil, which they attribute to the conflict; and the addition to the federal debt when the government cut taxes before going to war.

Some redditors have worked out what you have spent that vast amount of money on instead:
1. eliminate extreme poverty around the world ( cost $135 Billion per year) for 14 years
2. Immunize every child in the world agains deadly diseases for over 583 years ( cost 1.3 billion a year)
3. Ensure developing countries have enough money to fight the AIDS epidemic for over 133 years ( cost $15 Billion a year)
4. Pay for healthcare for every US Citizen for 20 years ( $100 billion a year )
5. Achieve universal literacy for 400 years ( cost $5 billion a year )
6. Give each American $6,600 each
7. With 2 trillion dollars you could buy out America’s supply of bacon for the next 1,000 years. suggested that you could build a  sizable colony on Mars I got the idea for this commentary from the space section of the wildly popular Reddit web-site.  Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson posed the question of what could be achieved if all the money spent on wars was instead given to NASA.  The resulting exchange was pretty fanciful, but one of the options mentioned might make sense — building a colony on Mars.  Mars is the only other truly Earth-like planet in the known universe, it has water and it is reachable.  SpaceX founder Elon Musk has claimed that a colony of 80,000 could be established for $36 billion.  He tends to hyperbole, so let’s say he is off by an order of magnitude (1000%).  We could still create a sizable colony for a fraction of what was spent in Iraq, providing a sanctuary from Earth’s next asteroid hit.


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