onsdag 27 maj 2015

The numbers are out - Swedes will be a minority in few years

The demographic composition in Sweden is in flux and can best be described as replacing the population. The proportion of immigrants in Sweden since the millennium has increased dramatically while the number of ethnic Swedes have gone down. The proportion of people with a foreign background is now approaching 30 percent of the population.

- From the year 2000 and until December 31, 2014, the number of ethnic Swedes has decreased by more than one hundred thousand, while the number of people with foreign backgrounds has increased by nearly a million.

In just one year, the proportion of the population in Sweden with foreign background increased by 0.79 percent. In 2013, 27.96 percent of residents in Sweden had foreign background, while in 2014 the figure was at 28.75 percent.

If the proportion of people with foreign backgrounds continues to increase at the same pace, the Swedes will become a minority in their own country within 2041. However, as the number of immigrants continues to increase, it will occur even earlier than one might anticipate.

The demographic development of the younger part of the population (0-44 years) is even more dramatic:

In 2013, the proportion of people in Sweden with a foreign background in the age group 0-44 years was 33.3 percent. One year later, in 2014, the percentage increased by 0.95 percent to 34.26 percent. If this trend continues, Swedes aged 0-44 years will be a minority in their own country already in 2031. The development is even faster among younger people than the population as a whole.

So in about 15 years (or less with increased immigration), ethnic Swedes will be outnumbered nation wide, as it has already happened in Sweden's third largest city, and in many local communities.

Just a few decades ago, Sweden was considered one of the most homogeneous countries in the world. 


- Det krävs omvärldskommentarer för att berätta sanningar idag. Demokraturen Absurdistan har lagt locket på, och administrerar sin egen demografiska undergång. Första landet i världshistorien som frivilligt begår nationellt självmord. Tage Erlander roterar som en vindflöjel i sin grav, den siste hederlige socialdemokraten, med det idag "rasistiskt" betecknade uttalandet, 1965: "Vi svenskar lever ju i en så oändligt mycket lyckligare lottad situation. Vårt lands befolkning är homogen, inte bara i fråga om rasen utan också i många andra avseenden."

1 kommentar:

  1. Detta är mkt sorglig läsning men inget nytt för mig. Säkerligen chockar det många läsare. Önskar bara att fler fick ta del av detta. Majoriteten svenskar beter sig som grodan som kokas levande.....
